To Join RSAC
If you would like to try out RSAC activities you need to join.
To do this you need to complete a Membership Application available under “Downloads”. Send completed form to RSAC by email, mail or drop them in (not Fridays). Let us know what you would like to attend and we can set these up for you.
We can help you decide or tell you more about programs that may suit you and anything else you need to know about joining. We will then let the manager and coach of the programs that you are going to know you are coming and send them a copy of your form so they have all of your details.
Add Or Change Activities
You can change or add different activities anytime you want, but you must let RSAC administration know so that they can fit you in, let managers know you want to come and get your forms to them.
To Pay By NDIS
To use your NDIS for payments you must advise the RSAC administration by phone email or calling in (not Fridays) to set this up. We will need your NDIS Number, how your plan is managed and your plan review date.
Membership Fees
RSAC participants pay a small Membership Fee each year to help with administration and insurance costs. For the past few years this has been $35 per family per calendar year, but is reviewed each Annual General Meeting.